EHD 2021: free visit of the “HUMANUM” exhibition by reservation only


On the occasion of the "European Heritage Days", Saturday 25 September from 14.00 to 19.30 at the Giovanni Lilliu Center, it will be possible to visit for free the archaeological exhibition "HUMANUM, Sardinia and Campania, from Su Nuraxi to Pompei", created thanks to the collaboration between the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation, the Archaeological Museum of Naples, the Superintendency of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Cagliari, the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari and the University of Cagliari, and which sees 106 exhibits on display, mostly unpublished, coming from the excavations of Pompei and the Vesuvian cities.

To visit the exhibition it is mandatory to book by calling 070 9361041.

Fondazione Barumini Sistema Cultura - Viale San Francesco 8, Barumini (SU) - Partita IVA 03074440920 Tutti i contenuti del sito sono protetti e tutelati dalle vigenti norme in materia di diritto d'autore. credits